So Now Run

“The moon invites the madness
Brings out the worst in me
Don’t tell me this thing’s loaded
Please don’t tell me anything at all

You put
the gun
in my hand
So now run
I’ll stall
the demons
But you really should be leaving…”

-“Run,” The Maine


This year has been hell in a hand basket.

From a million little moments I can barely begin to cover to make up for all the blog posts I haven’t published, but then there are the big ones.

I’ve been inspired in the last few months; inspired to change my life, no matter what that means. I started working on a new novel, which is flowing easily and making me smile more and more day by day. I’m hoping that I can by done with it by New Years.

At the end of October, I signed up and began training for my very first half marathon. Today was the day.

I didn’t go hard on my training from Tuesday to Friday, and went to bed VERY early last night (8:30-9:00 pm). This morning, I was up at 5:00, dressed and ready by 5:30, and out the door by 6AM. The race kicked off at 7:30, and the moments before had be completely nervous.


I met up with my friend Terry, who was also running, and we got in line to begin running. After the National Anthem, the DJ/Announcer let us know that there was 30 seconds until the official start. That’s when my nerves set in, although I wasn’t sure if they were nerves or just an effect of adrenaline. But once we all started running, I felt a lot more confident. Terry and I were on pace for the first mile and a half, and then I kept losing him, catching up, etc.


On mile 7, we hit brick-laid road…and that’s when I twisted my ankle (OUCH!). I slowed to a walk/hobble, and then I saw a man with cancer, and another with muscle dystrophy, both still running. “If they can do it, so can I,” I thought, picking my pace back up.

I sprinted up hills, ran through busy streets, got passed by people, passed people, and, finally, hit the finish line. I heard my mom screaming before I saw her. She and Tom were stood behind the barriers with big grins, and my mom was recording my crossing (posting this soon!) It took 2 hours and 15 minutes, but I got it done. I feel more inspired to run another, and to begin training for a marathon, than I ever have before.

Please excuse the first gross picture of me being done (I was sweaty and gross, and very happy to be handed my water jug).




My mom’s boss also ran in the race (as did one of her coworkers), so, of course, I took a picture with him.


I’ll post more pictures when the official ones are released, which will hopefully be done soon! 🙂 Thanks to all my awesome friends and a huge congrats to my friends Terry and Rod, who placed 2nd in his division and finished the halfer in 1 hour 5 minutes. 🙂

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